Water Maintenance (The Plunge)

  • Updated
To keep your Plunge water safe and clean, see below for a protocol we recommend. This is a protocol that we’ve seen work well for most situations. Please keep in mind that water chemistry can be different based on the quality of your water in your jurisdiction.
If you are on well water, please make sure you have the ability to properly reduce calcium levels before filling the tub. High amounts of calcium can damage the pump over time.

Poor water quality can lead to skin infections, ear infections, and urinary tract infections. That's why it's important to monitor and manage the quality of the water routinely.

These water maintenance instructions are meant to be used alongside the regular maintenance protocols for your Plunge. For more guidance, please email support@plunge.com.

Here are the water maintenance PDF's to reference: 

Residential Non-Chlorine Water Maintenance

Commercial Chlorine Maintenance

Commercial Non-chlorine Maintenance




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