Water is Not Cooling (The Plunge Gen 1)

  • Updated
There are a few reasons that could be causing your water to not cool. Read each step below to figure out what your cause could be. 
This Is On Initial Setup Of My Plunge
CLICK HERE for a breakdown of our Hot & Cold setup and how the Inkbird works.
A Few Things To Keep In Mind

1. If you're using an extension cord, it needs to be a 12 gauge heavy duty outdoor extension cord less than 25ft long.

Amazon.com: 15 ft - 12 Gauge Heavy Duty Lighted SJTW Indoor/Outdoor Yellow Extension  Cord by Watt's Wire - 15' 12-Gauge Grounded 15-Amp Power-Cord (15 Foot 12-Awg  Yellow)

2. The chiller must have a minimum 12" of space from the right side to the closest wall/surface. Without adequate space the chiller will not have proper air flow, causing it to not work properly, and this will void the chiller warranty.

3. Remember to clean your chiller screens every 60-90 days.

I Have Little Or No Water Flow
Good water flow is a 3-4 inch stream of water coming from the jets and you the water will have a slight movement to it. Good flow is essential for the water to cool properly.
CLICK HERE if your Plunge has less water flow than normal. This will walk you through the steps to fix your flow.
CLICK HERE if your Plunge has no water flow at all. This will walk you through the steps to fix your flow.
My Chiller Does Not Have Power
  • Unplug your chiller from the power strip in the electrical box and plug it into a separate outlet. This can be the same outlet the Plunge is plugged into.
My Chiller Has Power, It Just Won't Cool
Follow the below steps in order...
  1. Check the air coming out of the back of the chiller.
    • Warm /hot air = All good
    • Cool air = Reach out to customer service
  2. Perform an Air Purge. Air could be trapped in the chiller causing it to not cool the water properly. CLICK HERE to watch our Air Purge video.
    • Let run for 2 hours to see if water starts to cool.
  3. If water is still not cooling, then plug chiller into a separate outlet. This can be the same outlet the Plunge is plugged into. Test for another 2 hours.

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