Shipping to Hawaii (Cold Plunge)

  • Updated


Instead of FedEx, if you're shipping to Hawaii, you'll be using Aloha freight, so the process will be as follows:

  1. FedEx will pick up from our warehouse and deliver to the Aloha Freight port in Compton CA. Please note: your original tracking number with FedEx will say delivered when it transfers to Aloha Freight. 
  2. It will then be put on a container to be shipped to Hawaii and will take approximately a week to get there. 
  3. Once it gets to Hawaii it will take a few days to unload and process
  4. They will then contact you for curbside delivery only. *Aloha Freight does not provide premium delivery* 

If you have any issues or questions for Aloha Freight, their phone number is 808-834-5931

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