Inkbird Details

  • Updated

Standard models only -> Check green power switch on right side of chiller


  1. Make sure that the chiller is pugged into the "cooling" outlet inside the electrical box.
    • If the chiller is plugged into the power strip and not "cooling" the heater and chiller will fight each other and the water will not cool, or heat, the way it is intended.
  2. Your chiller will not power on until you adjust the temperature on your Inkbird. Your "Set Value" (bottom number) must be at least 4 degrees lower than your "Present Value" (top number) for the chiller to power on.


When your chiller reaches the desired temperature your chiller will be "powered down." This is the normal function of the Inkbird, so that your chiller does not run 24/7 and waste energy. It will not power the chiller back on until the "PV" reaches 4 degrees higher than your "SV".

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