Plunge All-In Commercial Max Water Management

  • Updated

You will need:

Sirona Chlorine Test Strips

Sirona Spa Up

Sirona Calcium Booster

Liquid Chlorine (10% Sodium Hypochlorite)

Swimming Pool Muriatic Acid Balancer (14.5% Hydrochloric Acid) 

Water Balancing - Set up (After Filling the Tub)

This will need to be performed every time you empty and refill the tub. 

Step 1: Take the test strip and place it in the water for 2 seconds (directions on test strip tube). Shake once to remove excess water and read immediately. 

Step 2: Ensure the auto doser ball valves are open and the Plunge is on with the pump running. 

Step 3: Water Balancing

Total Hardness
Test Strip Reading Action
0-49 Add 3 Tbsp of Calcium Booster
50-99 Add 2 Tbsp of Calcium Booster
100-249 Add 1 Tbsp of Calcium Booster
250+ No action required


Test Strip Reading Action
0-39 Add 4 Tbsp of Spa Up
40-79 Add 2.5 Tbsp of Spa Up
80-119 Add 1 Tbsp of Spa Up
120+ No action required

Step 4: Let the unit run for 3 hours to balance the chemicals and get to temperature.
Note: The longer you let it sit the more stable the water will become. 


Auto Doser Reading Information: 

Look at the Auto Doser Controller screen and follow directions below: 

Auto Doser pH and ORP reading is fluctuating up. No action required. Allow the auto doser to stabilize the water.
Auto Doser pH and ORP reading isn’t fluctuating at all and no chemicals can be seen coming through the clear tubing. Please read the instructions on how to prime the lines of the auto doser in the help center. 

Chlorine and pH Management: Routine Testing

Recommended Schedule: Test 1x per day before use.

Disclaimer: The recommended ranges and target levels are subject to your local jurisdiction’s rules and regulations governing pool and spa water maintenance.

Step1: Take the test strip and place it in the water for 2 seconds (directions on test strip tube).

Shake once to remove excess water and read immediately. 

Step 2: Check the Free Chlorine (FCI)

Recommended Ranges

Target: 1-3 PPM

Min: 1 PPM

Max: 5 PPM

Reading Action
<1 PPM
  • Ensure that the Chlorine reservoir is not empty. If empty, fill and retest in 3-5 Hours
  • If the Chlorine reservoir is above the minimum line, email
1-5 PPM No action necessary.
>5 PPM drain some water (3-5 gal) from the tub and add water to the tub as necessary.

Note: If tub exceeds 5 PPM consistently please email us at

Step 3: Check the pH of the tub

Recommended Ranges:

Target 7.35 pH

Min: 7.10 pH

Max: 7.80 pH

Reading Action
<7.10 pH Add 1 Tbsp of Spa Up. Retest in 3-5 Hrs
7.11-7.80 No action required
>7.80 pH
  • Ensure that your pH reservoir is not empty. If below min line, refill reservoir and retest in 3-5 hours.
  • If pH reservoir is above the minimum line: drain some water (3-5 gal) from the tub and add water to the tub as necessary. 

Note: If tub exceeds 7.8 pH consistently, please email us at

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