Cleaning the Hair Strainer on the Evolve Chiller

  • Updated

These instructions are for: 

  • Plunge Evolve Standard Chiller
  • Plunge Evolve Pro Chiller 

Cleaning the Hair Strainer (Every Week At Minimum)

  1. Turn off your chiller and double-check that there are no jets running.  
  2. Close the two colored ball valves on either side of the hair strainer on connection B by turning them perpendicular to the connection. 
  3. Carefully unscrew the hair strainer housing and remove the metal strainer. Please be aware that about a cup of water will come out when you remove the housing. If you have your chiller indoors, place a towel underneath and make sure you have it on a waterproof surface. 
  4. Rinse the metal strainer off, making sure all dirt and debris is removed. 
  5. Replace the metal strainer and screw the hair catch housing back on. Hand tighten and do not cross thread.
  6. Open the colored ball valves by turning them parallel to the connection. Do not turn the plunge back on with the ball valves closed. 
  7. Turn the chiller back on.

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