Get to Know the Plunge All-In Commercial Max Auto Doser Controller

  • Updated

Auto Doser Controller:



pH Reading: The pH reading will always be working to maintain a 7.35 pH. It may fluctuate between 7.1 to 7.5. Please note: Muriatic acid is a pH decreaser, so the only way to raise the pH without the Plunge being in use will be to add a pH increaser like Sirona Spa Up. Never add any chemicals to the Plunge without first testing the water and adding the proper amounts in accordance with the water management directions. 

ORP Reading: ORP stands for “Oxidation Reduction Potential”. This metric is reading how much potential the water has to clean itself. The auto doser is always going to be working towards a 735 mV ORP reading, but can fluctuate between 690 to 890. 

Water Temp: This metric reads the current water temperature in Fahrenheit.
Status Light: The status light will blink yellow or red when the probe has received at least 5 consecutive readings out of range. Press the Help Button to find out what the issue is. 

Service Light: The service light will blink yellow and red when the auto doser needs service. Press the Help Button to find out what service it needs. 

Help Button: The purpose of the help button is to inform you what error code is currently active please refer to the help center for direction on how to resolve the status or service errors. 

Menu Button: Press Menu button to enter setup mode and access manual pump control; pH/ORP/Temperature options

Up and Down Arrows: When in Menu mode, press the arrow keys to scroll the menu items / adjust the settings

Selection Buttons: Used to select the function in the Menu. 

Silver Connection Port: The port where the silver connection on the end of the auto doser probe will connect. 

Peristaltic Tubing: Tubing that will pull the chemicals through the clear tubing into the Plunge. 

Power Rocker Switch: Turns the auto doser controller on and off. 


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