How to Test Your Internet Connection for Your Plunge

To ensure that your Plunge connects and functions properly, it's important to check the strength of the WiFi signal where your tub is located. Follow the steps below to run a speed test on your mobile device and verify if your internet connection is strong enough for optimal performance.
Important Note: Different Devices, Different Results
The antenna in your Plunge’s display is generally weaker than that of a smartphone or tablet. This means that while your speed test may show a higher result, the actual speed that the Plunge can detect could be lower. Keep this in mind when reviewing your test results.


Step-by-Step Guide to Test Your Internet Speed

  1. Go to Your Plunge:
    Take your smartphone or smart device and stand next to the Plunge display. This is crucial as you want to test the connection where the Plunge’s antenna is located, ensuring accuracy.
  2. Access the Speed Test:
    Open your phone’s browser and go to Google. In the search bar, type in "Speed Test." Google will display an internet speed test directly on the search page.
    Note: You may also use any other speed testing tool, but the Google speed test is quick and easy.
  3. Run the Speed Test:
    Once the speed test appears, tap the button labeled "Run Speed Test". This will begin the process of measuring your internet connection.
  4. Allow the Test to Complete:
    The test will measure both download and upload speeds. Wait for it to finish, then the results will display.
  5. Screenshot the Results:
    Take a screenshot of the results. This will show both the download and upload speeds, which you’ll need to share with our support team for review.

What to Look For in Your Speed Test Results:

Download Speed Requirements:

80 Mbps or above: Ideal. This means your connection is strong enough for your Plunge to connect without issues.
50-80 Mbps: Acceptable, but you may experience some connectivity issues.
Below 50 Mbps: Problematic. You will likely need a WiFi signal booster nearby to ensure a reliable connection.
Next Steps

  • If your download speed is below 50 Mbps: There’s no need to troubleshoot further, as the connection is too weak for the Plunge to function properly. We recommend boosting the WiFi signal near your tub, such as installing a WiFi signal booster in a nearby outlet.
  • If your download speed is between 50-80 Mbps: Your connection is in the acceptable range, but you may still experience some issues. Please send a screenshot of your speed test to our support team at, and we’ll review it and assist further.
  • If your download speed is 80 Mbps or above and you’re still having connection issues: Please reach out to us at with a screenshot of your speed test, and our team will help troubleshoot the issue and get everything working smoothly.

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