Auto Doser Chemical Tank Removal Instructions

  • Updated

Items Needed:

  • HDPE bucket and lid
  • #2 Phillips Head Screwdriver
  • Chemical safe gloves
  • Safety Goggles
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Long pants
  • Close toed shoes

Before you begin:

  • Please wear gloves, long sleeves, long pants, and safety goggles through this entire process.
  • If you have long hair, tie your hair back. 
  • Do not drain your tub until this process is complete. 
  • Prior to beginning disposal, ensure that you have all the necessary materials on hand and have thoroughly read the instructions. 
  • DO NOT mix or cross contaminate Muriatic Acid and Liquid Chlorine, as it will produce toxic gas.
  • Complete removal/disposal of one chemical at a time.


  1. Turn off the Plunge. Unplug the power cord from the wall. 
  2. Disposal Container. Have a 5 gallon chemical safe HDPE bucket with lid available. These are available for purchase at your local hardware store.
  3. Detach the clear 6mm poly tubes leading from the affected tank to the Auto Doser. Follow the poly tube from the chemical reservoir to the auto doser. Disconnect the poly tube from the auto doser by unscrewing the nozzle and gently pulling the tube free.
  4. Tie off poly tubes. Hold the tube higher than the tank, letting its contents flow back into the reservoir. Tie off the end with a simple overhand knot to prevent spilling. Unscrew the black clip(s) securing the tube to the side of the tub with a #2 Phillips Head Screwdriver.
  5. Remove the chemical jug. Detach the jug from the tub by unscrewing the mounting screws. Place the tank with the cap screwed on tight and its plastic tube in the 5 gallon bucket and seal the lid.
  6. Dispose of Waste. Immediately take to hazmat disposal or local landfill with hazmat facilities. Do not expose the bucket to direct sunlight or heat. Avoid agitating the bucket if possible.
  7. Clean the surrounding area. Sprinkle Spa Up on any puddles on the floor. Sweep up excess powder once liquid has been absorbed. Do not add any cleaning chemicals to the area, use only water and damp cloths to wipe down affected areas.

Please email if you have any questions. 

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