If the STM version of your Plunge tub or chiller is displayed as UNKNOWN and the UI buttons are unresponsive, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:
1. Powercycle the Tub/Chiller
- Turn off the tub or chiller → Wait for 5 seconds → Turn the tub or chiller back on
2. Verify UI and Button Functionality
- Check if the UI and buttons on your tub or chiller are now responsive.
3. Verify App Control
- Ensure the tub or chiller can be controlled via the app (e.g., adjust temperature or settings).
4. Attempt Firmware Update
- If the UI and app functionality have been restored, try updating the firmware using the Plunge app again.
5. If STM Version Remains UNKNOWN
- Powercycle the tub or chiller once more by repeating Step 1.
- Contact Customer Support for further assistance.
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