STM Version is UNKNOWN

  • Updated

If the STM version of your Plunge tub or chiller is displayed as UNKNOWN and the UI buttons are unresponsive, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:

1. Powercycle the Tub/Chiller

  • Turn off the tub or chiller → Wait for 5 seconds → Turn the tub or chiller back on

2. Verify UI and Button Functionality

  • Check if the UI and buttons on your tub or chiller are now responsive.

3. Verify App Control

  • Ensure the tub or chiller can be controlled via the app (e.g., adjust temperature or settings).

4. Attempt Firmware Update

  • If the UI and app functionality have been restored, try updating the firmware using the Plunge app again.

5. If STM Version Remains UNKNOWN

  1. Powercycle the tub or chiller once more by repeating Step 1.
  2. Contact Customer Support for further assistance.

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