Read first before setting up the Plunge
Please read the Chemical Safe Handling Documents, Safety Precautions and Warranty before setting up the Plunge All-In Commercial Max. Important installation information is in each document.
Download the Plunge App
Installing the app is essential for a few important reasons:
- Remote Control: Control the temperature of the Plunge from your phone.
- Metrics Monitoring: We can monitor metrics on your tub to proactively address any potential issues, ensuring your Plunge stays healthy and avoids disruptions.
- Firmware Updates: Our team is dedicated to ensuring your Plunge stays current with the latest firmware. To keep your unit updated, simply stay connected to the Plunge App to receive the update notifications.
- Filter Instructions: The app walks you through the step-by-step process for changing your filter, helping maintain your Plunge’s performance.
Please inspect the package to make sure these items are present:
- The Auto Doser Probe capped in storage solution (Attached to piping beneath the auto doser controller)
- A Starter Kit for the Auto Doser that contains:
- Peristaltic Pump replacement tubing
- Silicone oil to grease the tubing
- Replacement 6mmx4mm clear tubing
- A manufacturer’s manual for the Auto Doser (Model BL121)
- 24 mm Probe Wrench
- Sirona Calcium Booster
- Sirona Spa Up
- 2 Chemical Safe Funnels
- A Welcome Kit that contains:
- Carbon Hose Filter
- Cell Phone Holder
- Filter Wrench
- Skimmer Net
- Spa Cover Keys
- Ducky
- A 3 Month Auto Doser Maintenance Kit will be shipped separate from the tub and it includes:
- 4 Gallons of Liquid Chlorine (10% Sodium Hypochlorite)
- 2 Gallons of Muriatic Acid (14.5% Hydrochloric Acid)
- 13 Filters
- 100 Test Strips
- Recalibration Chemical Kit
Water Chemistry Outline:
- Please read all chemical handling instructions in the Chemical Safety Data Sheets and Safe Handling article before filling the chemical reservoirs.
- The chlorine required for the Auto Doser is Liquid Chlorine (10-12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite). The pH Down required is Swimming Pool Muriatic Acid Balancer (14.5% Hydrochloric Acid).
- Please ensure that the correct chemical goes into the correlating reservoir. Never mix chemicals and never add powdered or diluted chemicals to the reservoir.
- Only use the chemicals recommended. Higher concentrations or other chemical substitutes will not function properly and will void the warranty.
- When set up has been completed, please allow the Auto Doser to cycle through for 24 hours before allowing anyone to use the Plunge. This gives the Auto Doser the opportunity to stabilize the water.
- We recommend showering prior to use for anyone using the Plunge. This will help maintain the chemical balance in the water.
- Important note: keeping the Plunge All-In Commercial Max outside will shorten the lifespan of the chlorine and muriatic acid due to UV rays and more organic material entering the water.
- The Plunge All-In Commercial Max should not be filled with well water. Please make sure to properly strip the water with an ion exchange filter before filling the Plunge if you are on well water.
- The Plunge All-In Commercial Max has specific parameters set to accommodate cold water only.
Skimmer Details:
The skimmer on the tub has an engraved minimum water line.
It is important to keep the water level a half an inch to an inch above the minimum water line. If it falls below the minimum water line, air can enter the system and if left unattended can lead to damage.
The Plunge will arrive with the ball valve to the skimmer closed and the skimmer suction off. We recommend not turning it on until you fully understand the water displacement for your tub and bather load.
If you find you can easily keep the water above the minimum line, then please read the following directions on how to turn the skimmer suction on.
- Open the vent on the side with the main tub drain.
- You should see the side of the electrical box and if you look past it you’ll notice a colored ball valve. It should be perpendicular to the piping indicating it’s closed.
- Turn the valve parallel to the piping and the skimmer suction will turn back on.
Please do not turn the suction on if you cannot keep the water level above the minimum line consistently.
Drain Information:
Main Tub Drain: When you are facing the tub LED display screen, the main tub drain is located in the right hand vent, beneath the metal frame of the electrical box. The primary purpose of this drain is to empty the tub.
Jet and Filter Housing Drain: When you are facing the tub LED display screen, the jet and filter housing drain is located in the left hand vent. The only use for this drain is to empty the jets and filter housing for storage/winterization. If used instead of the main tub drain, there will be 3-4 inches of water still left in the tub.
External Auto Doser Drain: This drain is located beneath the auto doser controller on the left hand side of the tub. The only use for this drain is to empty the auto doser injector manifold for storage/winterization. You will not need to use this drain on a routine basis. Please follow instructions for the auto doser probe if you need to use this drain.
Heat Exchanger Drain: When you are facing the tub LED display screen, the heat exchanger drain is located in the right hand vent with a small blue ball valve. The only use for this drain is to empty the heat exchanger for storage/winterization. You will not need to use this drain on a routine basis.
Auto Doser Probe:
- The probe will arrive capped in a solution that keeps it wet. You will want to ensure that the probe is not dry for more than 15 minutes. This will result in a failed probe that will read inaccurately.
- If you need to store the Plunge for any reason, you must remove the probe and place it back in the cap it arrived in with the auto doser storage solution. For more information please go to our help center or email us at
- Located in the Auto Doser Starter Kit, you’ll find the silver Probe Wrench This will be used to secure and remove the probe.
Get to Know the Auto Doser Controller
pH Reading: The pH reading will always be working to maintain a 7.35 pH. It may fluctuate between 7.1 to 7.5. Please note: Muriatic acid is a pH decreaser, so the only way to raisew the pH without the Plunge being in use will be to add a pH increaser like Sirona Spa Up. Never add any chemicals to the Plunge without first testing the water and adding the proper amounts in accordance with the water management directions.
ORP Reading: ORP stands for “Oxidation Reduction Potential”. This metric is reading how much potential the water has to clean itself. The auto doser is always going to be working towards a 735 mV ORP reading, but can fluctuate between 690 to 875.
Water Temp: This metric reads the current water temperature in fahrenheit.
Status Light: The status light will blink yellow or red when the probe has received at least 5 consecutive readings out of range. Press the Help Button to find out what the issue is.
Service Light: The service light will blink yellow and red when the auto doser needs service. Press the Help Button to find out what service it needs.
Help Button: The purpose of the help button is to inform you what error code is currently active please refer to the help center for direction on how to resolve the status or service errors.
Menu Button: Press Menu button to enter setup mode and access manual pump control; pH/ORP/Temperature options
Up and Down Arrows: When in Menu mode, press the arrow keys to scroll the menu items / adjust the settings
Selection Buttons: Used to select the function in the Menu.
Silver Connection Port: The port where the silver connection on the end of the auto doser probe will connect.
Peristaltic Tubing: Tubing that will pull the chemicals through the clear tubing into the Plunge.
Power Rocker Switch: Turns the auto doser controller on and off.
Important warranty information
Please note that damage caused by freezing conditions or improper water chemistry are not covered under our warranty.
Please monitor your Plunge daily when the outside temperature is close to below freezing to ensure constant flow. If the ambient temperature is below 32°F / 0°C for 12 hours, you must drain the Plunge, filter and chiller and fully winterize the Plunge.
Using an Extension Cord Outdoors
If you plan to use an extension cord, it needs to be 12 gauge to give the plunge sufficient power up to 25 feet. Please refer to NEC requirements for your jurisdiction.
If you place your Plunge outdoors and use an extension cord, you will need to use a Weatherproof Connection Box – Indoor & Outdoor Electrical Power Cord Enclosure to protect the cord. If you need more information you can reach out to our Plunge Experts by submitting a request ticket on our Help Center or emailing us at
Setup Steps
Step 1: Location Requirements
Step 2: Remove the Auto Doser Cover
Step 3: Fill The Plunge
Note: Fill until the water is at least ½ to an inch above the “min” line on the skimmer. Failing to keep the water above the “min” could result in damage to the Plunge. Please read the skimmer details for more information. |
Step 4: Insert the Probe
Step 5: Fill Auto Doser Chemicals
Required Chemicals: Swimming Pool Muriatic Acid Balancer (14.5% Hydrochloric Acid) / Liquid Chlorine (10-12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite) (!) For safety and handling instructions please refer to the Chemical Safety Data Sheets and Safe Handling section of this manual. Please make sure to read thoroughly before handling any chemicals. |
Step 6: Plug In the Plunge
Step 7: Turning the Plunge On
Step 8: Set Your Temperature
Step 10: Operate Light
Step 11: Pausing the Jets
Step 12: Replacing the Auto Doser Cover
Please review all maintenance instructions thoroughly to ensure the Plunge All-In Commercial Max runs successfully long-term.
For any other questions or inquiries, please email us at
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