Changing Out the Water (Plunge All-In)

  • Updated

Tubs Compatible With These Instructions:

  • Plunge All-In 
  • Plunge All-In Commercial

Change Out Water

  1. Turn off the Plunge by unplugging the power cord or pressing the “test” button.
  2. Remove the ventilation screen on the side opposite of the filter housing. 
  3. Remove the cap from the spigot
  4. Attach a garden hose to the spigot 
  5. Turn the spigot on and the water should flow out
  6. Replace the cap after draining
  7. Take this time while the Plunge is empty to clean the drain strainers by following these instructions
  8. Refill the Plunge and follow the initial setup instructions

Frequency Requirements:

  • Plunge All-In - Every 3 months at minimum
  • Plunge All-In Commercial - Every 2 weeks at minimum


Video Instruction:

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